A life in Nursery Rhyme
After the world famous Three Blind Mice broke up, band leader Blind Melon Head hit the pavement looking for musicians who liked the blues. He was determined to put a band back together.
Current version runs 90 minutes. 2k resolution @ 24 fps. Stereo.

This is how it all happened
Went to an Australian Art School in the late 60's, dropped out middle 70's to work as a backdrop artist in live theater, this paved the way to the broadcast industry as a Rock Jock.
On the road to Los Angeles in the 90's did a series of Fine Art Exhibits around West Hollywood and the SoCal Beach Cities.
This Journey introduced me to some rather colorful characters, both in the Film, Blues scene, Script editors, writers and storyboard artist of the period.
Most of us huddled around a little coffee shop in Hermosa Beach, California sharing ideas.
One day I was dared to make a 10 minute hand drawn animation.

Dream it and make it happen
Since leaving art school a long time ago, immersed myself into all forms of the Arts.
2004 was re-introduced to the Disney style of hand drawn frame cells, the obsession began and from that, and realized a road of creativity never thought was possible.